Canvas exists to empower makers of all kinds by providing platforms for them to showcase and share their creative work with the world. One of those platforms is our quarterly Artist Showcase. While our long term goals are to have a physical cafe and gallery space, our first iteration is a traveling coffee bike and online presence. We believe CANVAS will evolve into a thriving maker community supporting the local Greenville area and abroad. We invite you to begin the journey with us by applying to a quarterly Artist Showcase.

Artists are invited to submit their 2-d art for consideration. Each quarter one artist will be selected for the Artist Showcase. This artist will be hosted on our online gallery and featured in all CANVAS social media channels. One work will be selected for feature on our traveling coffee bike as well as on the packaging of all retail coffee items for the quarter.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis with deadlines for each quarter’s consideration.

Deadlines are as follows:

Spring Showcase - midnight on February 1

Summer Showcase - midnight on May 1

Fall Showcase - midnight on August 1

Winter Showcase - midnight on November 1

Applicants must provide a completed application below and upload 5 images for consideration. Images must be less than 2MB and files named with the artist’s last name and the title of the work. Applicants will be notified of acceptance a week after each deadline.