Canvas exists to empower makers of all kinds by providing platforms for them to showcase and share their creative work with the world. 

We love coffee and we believe it is more than just a beverage; For us, it is an avenue of creativity and a conduit for community; a catalyst for meaningful conversations and connection. All things that we are very passionate about.

Arin, our resident coffee expert roasts our coffee and crafts delicious coffee concoctions available to order online or at our mobile coffee bike in Greenville.



We love art, and we believe it’s more than just something pretty for a wall. The power of beauty can circumvent the mind, touch the heart, and elevate the soul to a place of transcendence. And art isn’t possible without the artists.

At Canvas we actively look for ways to support, empower, and celebrate artists. An artist’s calling can be incredibly vulnerable and difficult to navigate. We want to link arms and simplify that process and make the journey a little more fun!

If you’re interested in knowing more you can sign up for our newsletter below, and check out our Call For Artists.